Every summer my family spends a few days in a little cottage located on a little island in Maine. The cottage has been in my wife’s family for five generations. We park at the club lot and boat the 100 yards across the harbor to the island. There is no television or internet. Apparently, water and electricity were fairly recent additions to the cottage. We are cut off from the outside world and get to spend our time and our thoughts on each other. It is a welcome holiday for me, void of all worldly distractions.
Imagine what this vacation might look like to those who do not appreciate the calmness? To those who rely on information from the outside world to make them feel connected. What does feeling connected mean anyway? I choose to turn my focus onto the beauty around me: the morning sun telling the world to wake up, my playful children, the sound of the waves, the collection of seashells and sea glass, the wind in my face as our boat skims over the water, my imagination, and I could probably go on and on. I imagine that it could take some reframing for some to learn to appreciate the “bareness” of a disconnected little cottage in Maine. It is worth it to come here though. It is a wonderful place.
I even enjoy when it rains in Maine. That is, as long as the rain doesn’t last for days. When it rains we are stuck inside the small living space. We play card games and board games, read books, and just talk more. If we choose to, we also get to spend time visiting our innermost selves. We get to revisit the memories of where we have been; we get to ask questions about where we are now; and we get to think about where we want to be in the future. We get to dive into the depths of what are the most important things in our life, what we value the most. It is here when I think of the importance of my discovery of coaching. I think of how coaching has filled a desire to have a passion for what I do in my life. My goal is to align what I do with who I am and what I am passionate about.
I am a father and a husband. I am a brother and a son. I am a friend. I am an athlete. I am a sports fan. I am an honest person. I am a truth seeker. I am a thought provoker. I am a coach.
Who are you? What would you list for yourself as the things that are the most important to you? What do you do, or want to do that stirs your passion? Discover it. Perhaps take a trip to a little cottage where you can disconnect. You may learn something new, or simply rediscover something you forgot.
Enjoy Life.
Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP