Friday, July 26, 2013

Engagement, Purpose, and Passion

The president and CEO of my coaching alma mater recently sent out a blog requesting that we, as leaders, begin to ask more questions of those we lead so that they may find their own answers. He is speaking to us as coaches, teachers, parents, or leaders. The blog discusses the topic of disengagement, how many people become disengaged in some aspect of their lives at different points in their lives. That this disengagement begins at a very early age possibly because of how we are told what direction we should lead our own lives in order to be successful. In adolescence, we aren't necessarily taught how to be successful. Instead, we are taught how others have become successful before us. This may be a great plan to follow for some people, but everyone is different. Everyone has different motivational factors that drive them towards success, and everyone has a different idea of what success is. Or do we? How can we truly know what success means to ourselves, if we have always been told what everything entails in order to get there?

Take this opportunity right now to stop and think about what would make your life successful. Define what success means to you. This is not something that can be taught to you. It is something far more personal. Only you have the answer. Look into your heart. Whether you are 20, 40, or 60 years old, the time to figure out the answer to one of life's most important question is NOW!

I spend time helping people to ask the right questions of themselves in order to find out their purpose or passion. I concentrate on students entering, within, or graduating from college so that they don't have to wait years upon years to start asking themselves these questions that inevitably come up for most of us. What will keep you engaged in what you do for a living? Being engaged in what you do will lead to success because you will feel that what you are putting into your work is providing something in return. On the contrary, not being engaged in what you do will surely not lead to success.

As years pass, people may change their passion, they may come to find a new purpose. In fact, it is likely that as your environment changes, for example, as you start a relationship or as you start a family, your desires may also change. However, I would not suggest that you wait for your future years to determine your own passion. Now is the time. Each step you take in the right direction leads you further along the path of success. You will learn more about yourself along the way if you start walking that path now. Become engaged. Find your passion.

To read the blog from iPEC, click HERE.

Enjoy life.

Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP

Friday, July 19, 2013


Today, my wife had something that she doesn’t get very often: time alone. She told me that she had a great road trip. She was in the car just shy of three hours in the morning and a little over that on her ride home this evening.  She did fiddle around with the radio but the majority of the time was spent thinking. At first, she said how it actually felt strange to be alone with her thoughts and how amazing it is the amount of topics you can cover uninterrupted. Most of her time, however, was spent on the topic of “time”. 

We have all heard the many quotes that convey the message of “Seize the day”. Unfortunately, I think, many times that perspective is fleeting. We live with that promise to cherish the day or each other - but then the refrigerator breaks or your child or spouse gets on your last nerve. We go through the motions of the day and tend to our responsibilities and forget to smell the flowers and appreciate what we have.

None of us knows how much time we are given on this earth. Sometimes it takes some tragic event to remind us – an event like Sandy Hook, a natural disaster like the recent tornadoes or fires, or maybe a family member becomes sick. Growing old is a privilege denied to many.

As my wife told me about her drive with “time” today, we both recognized that we need the constant reminder of how precious it is. As we were reminded today, let this remind you to love stronger, smile longer, and live better. Smell the flowers. Kiss your husband or wife. Be there for a friend. “Pick More Daisies” (Nadine Stair).

Enjoy your time. Enjoy Life.

Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP

Friday, July 12, 2013

Failure leads to Success

"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." - Eleanor Roosevelt.

How many of us never leave our comfort zone...never chancing to be hurt, to fail, or...if I can be crazy for succeed! Think about all the successes you have had in your life and ask yourself this, which are the most gratifying? I would be willing to bet that the ones that you either had to work for the most or the ones where you failed first, once or many times, are the ones that are the most gratifying, the ones you are the most proud of, the ones that are the most fulfilling. Eleanor Roosevelt was right on when she encouraged people to live life, and said "to taste experience to the utmost". There is no success without failure. But what is failure? Thomas Edison said that "many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." He also said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

There is no success without failure. If you are afraid to fail, maybe you could try on Thomas Edison's viewpoint that it is not failure, it is experience. And our former First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, suggested that you "reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." These are two very notably successful people in our history. Go ahead and follow their lead. Leave your comfort zone from time to time. You just might enjoy it.

Enjoy life.

Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP

And here is a story of one person's journey in pursuit of 100 days of failures taken from Sherold Barr's most recent blog...
Surprising Lessons From 100 Days of Rejection:

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Zac Brown Band - Country Rock

I am very passionate about music. I believe that music has the power to shift one’s state of being. I know my spirit lifts and I stand taller when I hear the words to a particular song and I feel an excitment to be alive! “Well it’s funny how it’s the little things in life that mean the most, not where you live, what you drive or the price tag on your clothes. There’s no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I’ve come to know.” (Zac Brown Band – Chicken Fried). 

The Zac Brown Band will be playing a local venue this weekend and unfortunately, I will not be in attendance. I grew up on rock music and have been looking for a quality band to follow since Def Leppard retired. Along the way I turned to country music. I believe that nowadays country music is very similar to 70’s rock. So I call what I listen to “country rock”. The Zac Brown Band is presently my favorite country rock group. (The Zac Brown Band frequently covers rock songs and plays with other rock stars such as GregAllman and Kid Rock)

The writing is brilliant. When I first began to listen to rock music, the words didn’t mean much to me, but I have learned how valuable really good lyrics are to a song. This makes it especially difficult for me to miss this concert. Not only is Zac Brown a great writer of lyrics, opening for them is Levi Lowrey who co-wrote Colder Weather and who wrote a couple of his own songs that I have heard and also have great lyrics. 

I guess I will have to take a page from Zac Brown himself this upcoming weekend and just let it go…"Save your strength for things that you can change, Forgive the ones you can't, you gotta let 'em go." (ZBB - Let It Go). At least I will be enjoying my time with family on Cape Cod, a place I can be without a hurry, or worry, in the world. “Ain’t in no hurry, I’d be a fool now to worry, about all those things I can’t change.” (ZBB - No Hurry). 

For those of you who happen to be attending the show this weekend, enjoy the show and pay attention to the lyrics if you can. Let them take to a place where you feel a sense of free. “Just as free. Free as we’ll ever be.” (ZBB - Free). It is Independence Day weekend after all. And on that note, I would simply like to take a moment to remember our heroes who fought bravely for the freedom that we enjoy today as Americans. 

“I thank god for my life, and for the Stars and Stripes, may freedom forever fly, let it ring. Salute the ones who died, the ones that give their lives, so we don’t have to sacrifice, all the things we love.” (ZBB -Chicken Fried). 

Feel free to find music that will allow you to escape your surroundings and enter into a different state of mind. I believe music has that power, but only if you give yourself over to it. Ultimately, you are in control and music is just a tool.  Feel free to use it. Enjoy it.

Enjoy Life.

Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP