I can’t get this title saying out of my head. Every time someone says that they want something I think of my college roommate who would respond to people with this phrase. He thought he was a comedian. When I really think about what he used to say I now think more deeply about one of his patented expressions.
Many people want. The want a new car. They want to win the megabucks. They want to travel the world. They want to quit their jobs. They want this, and they want that. What usually happens when people get what they want? They tend to want more.
It’s okay to want. It is very okay to want. Wanting is a good thing. It allows people to grow. It makes people work harder. Someone who wants more money ought to work harder in order to earn more money. Someone who wants to be a professional singer or athlete needs to work hard in order to get there. Those who work hard and achieve what they want have what many people continually search for, fulfillment. Those who fail to obtain what they want despite their efforts are faced with a dilemma. A dilemma of whether or not to continue put forth that effort, or maybe increase that effort, and to rise again to meet their new challenge. The strongest people in the world are the ones who rise up after get knocked down. They continue to want and don’t give up.
I want. I want my family to be happy and my children to be successful. I provide enough for my children so that they continue to want. Besides not being able to afford to give them everything they wanted, it would not benefit them anyway. It would not allow them to grow strong, or to learn how important it is work hard enough to obtain something they want.
Wanting something more than anything else in the world is very a powerful thing. It helps you determine who you are. It asks you how much you are willing to sacrifice in order to get what it is you want so dearly. Do you give up what you want because it is too hard to obtain, or do you fight harder for what you want? When you want something hard enough and long enough, achieving the reward is beyond comparison. It is definitely better than had you never wanted at all. So in the end, I have to say that while on the surface it may not feel good to want, deep down I know it is a good thing. Wanting creates a challenge.
Never stop growing. Never stop challenging yourself. Never stop wanting.
Enjoy Life.
Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP
Can not getting what you want being a good thing too?…
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