Monday, May 12, 2014

What are you beautiful for?

I recently was at a wedding with some very good high school friends whom I do not see much outside of special occasions. The parents of one of these friends dropped by to pick up their kids halfway through the event. I went to say hello along with a few other people and as I spoke to the parents someone next to me made a comment. I turned to these friends and asked what was so funny. They just kept smiling and commented on how I haven’t changed and that I still even sound the same. I loved it, it was music to my ears.
On the car ride home I told my wife the story. She asked if that was a good thing or bad thing. Right away I said that it was a good thing, but afterwards started to think more about it. Why wouldn’t it be good thing? I loved the person I was in high school just as much as I love the person I have grown to be now.  In fact, I was more of a leader then. Or was I? I was more of an outgoing leader then, but I am still a leader today. Just without as much of the vocal aspect. I guess my mind got sidetracked a little bit and starting wondering, what is leadership anyway? A nice interpretation of leadership can be taken from Roy Lessin:
“Leadership is not a job title, it is a characteristic of life. We lead by our attitude, by our responses to authority, by the words we speak, and by the examples we set. With a vision for the future and a heart for people, leaders can motivate and inspire others into action. A leader is someone who others want to follow; a good leader is someone worth following.”
The big question is not if you are a leader, but if you are a leader of your self. Everything always begins with you. If you are a leader of your self, than you know how to lead. And being a leader of your self begins with being happy with yourself. 
This brings me back to the question my wife posed to me on the car ride home that night. Was I happy with the comment that I am still the same as people remember me 20 years ago. There’s no doubt in my mind that I am happy about it. Not only I am happy with the person I am and the person I was, I am also happy to think that the two are still one. That I can still be all the things I once was, in addition to all the things I am now.
I have traveled through life always trying to take the best in everyone I meet and become a better person. I have learned so many good things from so many good people, and simply tried to put these things into practice in my own life. My story is still being written, and today is yet again another opportunity to become add to the collection of beautiful things learned from people I meet along the way…
Everyone is different, and beautiful in their own way. There are no exceptions. What could someone take from you? What are you beautiful for?

Jus the way you are.jpg

Enjoy Life.

Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP

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