Monday, January 12, 2015

Happiness is a Choice

“Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
President Lincoln makes it sound like happiness is a choice. In order it to be a choice however, one needs to first be aware of their mood, and in tune with how they are feeling. Only when someone is completely aware of themselves and what they are feeling, can they actually take pause and ask themselves how they actually want to feel. Only then does it become a choice.
As much as I believe that happiness can be as simple as making up one’s mind to be that way, I also realize that there are a lot of obstacles to overcome. Obstacles that must be worked through or around in order to be able to freely choose your state. These obstacles can be as small as a pebble or as large as a mountain. Yet either can be moved out of the way.
An obstacle may be a person that is attacking you verbally; or it can be a moment when something that you wanted to happen didn’t. It could be as simple as your favorite baseball team losing the World Series or as complex as a time when you have spent countless hours researching and shopping for the perfect present for someone’s birthday only to have that person dismiss your gift as something they don’t need anymore. Whatever the obstacle, perseverance can lead you through any obstacle.
No matter the obstacle, a master such as our former president, chooses to be happy (or not) instead of being at the mercy of the circumstance. What are the main influences your happiness? Are you the main influence, or is your circumstance the main influence? How do you overcome your obstacles? Do you use a coach to help you? A quote is from many a childhood hero,
“What day is it?”
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day,” said Pooh.
~A.A. Milne
Happiness can come as easy as your favorite day.
Remember that happiness is a choice. It has to be true if our greatest President said it, right? It may take practice to learn how to get there. It may be something you choose not to be sometimes. But know that you can choose it, that you have the ability to choose it. Knowing it is half the battle.
Enjoy Life.
Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP

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