Football is the ultimate team sport. Go ahead and ask NFL great Warren Moon if he thinks that's true, or the up and coming star quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs, Patrick Mahomes, on why he chose to play football over baseball. The goals of each season for me is always the same and are used to measure my team's success. The ultimate goal is to have fun playing the sport. I see a lot of talk from parents about making sure the kids have fun, but sometimes it's just lip service. I see many parents reliving their youth through their kids, and driving them hard to be better. I also see coaches who think that the kids can't have fun without winning and sacrifice either the less talented kids or the fun of the game to reach that goal. At some point, that's okay. But that point should not come long before high school. Certain talented kids might be an exception to this, but too many parents think their kid is that exception. I enjoy having control of the team as the coach to make sure these kids can be what they are meant to
Another important goal to the season is to teach the kids to work together. Again, football is the ultimate team sport. One or two star players will not consistently succeed against a team of players. We practice passing patterns and misdirection run plays, and we practice zone defenses where everyone has a job to do. The kids learn to depend on each other and to help each other. It's great to see them congratulate each other for their successes and pick each other up after their failures. The quarterback cannot succeed without the receiver catching the ball. The receiver cannot score without a good pass from the quarterback. A sack may save a pass defender who let his guy get by him. One defender misses, the next grabs the flag. The joy of coaching is watching the kid's joy in playing. I set these boys up to be successful through practicing fundamentals and some creative offensive and defensive designs. When they grasp the concepts and play together as a team, their joy shines like the sun and warms my soul.
I would like to thank the boys and girls I've coached in the past as well as in this season and into the future. For they give me a certain joy I seek in life, probably without even knowing it. Go team!
Enjoy Life.
Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP
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