Sunday, November 17, 2013

Be a True Fan

Why do sports fans go so crazy for their teams? Football stadiums can be unbelievably loud with fans supporting the home team. Fans come to the stadium with a passion that they cannot replicate in other areas of their life. Even non-football fans can get caught in the environment of the crowd and start clapping and cheering as loud as they can. Have you ever been in that type of environment? Where everyone around you is screaming at the top of their lungs in support of a sports team? It’s contagious.

Let me tell you a little bit about true fans. Everyone loves to win. Winning feeds the excitement inside you. The more your team wins, the more that excitement stirs and grows into a passion. True fans feel that passion pull them towards watching their team, cheering for them, arguing with friends in defense of their team, and in general support of their team. Some fans can get a little carried away. They can wear the same shirt that hasn’t been washed in weeks or even start fights with fans of other teams. It can be a sickness, but it is a passion nevertheless.

Unfortunately for some, a passion for their sports teams is the only passion they have. So how can there be so much passion for something so unpersonal to people? Sports teams don’t recognize regular fans for their support. Athletes don’t call a fan out by name. True fans don’t care, in fact general acknowledgment of “the fans” from an athlete only fuels their passion further. It’s so simple, yet so mind boggling how there isn’t more passion in other areas of life. Why? How can we replicate our passion for sports teams into passion for what we do everyday? That kind of passion you see in the stadiums where the entire bleachers are shaking, where the sound can be deafening, where strangers embrace in celebration?

Well, in order to find the answer, you need to ask the right question. That is why life coaching has become so successful. Coaches are trained to ask questions. They are also trained to listen, really listen. Good coaches not only listen very well to what is being said, they also listen to what is not being said. Through a series of listening and questioning, they find the right questions to ask. Questions that are often overlooked by the ones searching for those right answers.

A few questions you may ask yourself in your search for passion:
Who are you? How can you live your life in a way that keeps you true to who you really are? What would happen if you lived each day with passion?

Ask better questions. Find something you can be passionate about on a regular basis. Be true to yourself; be a true fan of yourself.

Enjoy Life.

Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP

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