Thursday, June 27, 2013

In The Zone

How do we become completely present in the moment, or as Tony Robbins puts it, “in the flow”. Athletes can do it. In fact, great athletes do it all the time. They block out all distraction and become completely focused on the task at hand. A baseball hitter sees the pitch and that is all. He does not hear the crowd. He does not see the fielders. He is “in the moment”.
A football quarterback sees the receiver and defender and where he wants to throw the ball. At the point of release, he does not see or feel the pressure of the defense surrounding him. He is focused solely on where to put the football. He is “in the zone”.

Being completely present in the moment isn’t only about athletics. Being completely present allows great leaders to see the entire picture through a clear lens and make the right choices. It allows parents to appreciate the experiences from which their children are collecting and learning. It allows YOU to feel like nothing around you matters, because you are concentrating on the present and in your natural state of being.

So what does being “in the moment” or being completely present mean? Does being completely present and in the moment mean that you are in a state of complete focus? Well, yes it does. But maybe a better question to ask yourself is how do I get there? For some people, finding this presence comes easy. For others it can be more difficult. One method of getting yourself to be completely present in the moment is described in the book “Energy Leadership”, by Bruce D. Schneider. In his book, Bruce D. Schneider provides you with his seven levels of energy, which can be used as your guide to get you completely focused on the present moment. Once you master these seven levels of energy, you can choose which type of energy you would like to bring to your situation. When you master all seven levels of energy, you become a master of yourself. You can choose to live “in the moment”.

So which are you? The person who can find their zone easily? Or the person still looking? Either way, refine your skill set, or grow your skill set. Find a coach, study the seven levels of energy, or find your own way to improve your focus on being in the moment. It will increase your confidence, your happiness, and maybe even your golf game!

Enjoy Life.

Coach Randal Suozzo, CPC, ELI-MP

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